We’re So Excited About Our 2022 Show!

Like many kennel clubs, we had to cancel our 2020 show, which was to be our first in our new digs at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds. We did have a show in 2021, very scaled back with rigorous pandemic restrictions. This year we’re back with a new date, the second weekend in April, and we are ready to roar.

In addition to our stand-alone two-day show where we always offer NOHS competition, we are bringing back some of our favorites– the commemorative veterans’ competition (which is open to altered dogs) on Saturday, Brace competition on Sunday, our Gun Dog Sweeps for working hunters (you just have to have a measurable achievement in any field event, FT, Hunt Test, WC, NAHVDA, etc.)

We’ll be back with our Friday evening puppy match– $10 day of entries only– also open to adult dogs without majors, a relaxed and fun event to help get your puppies and novice dogs ready for the show ring. There is a free handling class at 5:30 p.m. on Friday. For the first time ever we will have a separate competition for Beginner Puppies 4-6 months of age on Saturday and Sunday. You can find our premium list at MB-F the week of February 7th. Entries close Wednesday, March 16th at noon, or whenever we reach our numerical limit of 1500, whichever comes first.

We are loving our new buildings, new and clean with plenty of restrooms and climate-controlled. The Montgomery County Fairgrounds is at a secure park-like setting (regularly patrolled by the local sheriff’s office) There is no grooming allowed in the show building (it plays havoc with the HVAC) but there is a building (with restrooms) located about fifty feet away across a paved apron. Reserved grooming space is available for the entire weekend for $25, and there will also be free spaces available after 4 p.m. on Friday. There are no wash racks, and we ask you to please not bring high-velocity forced air dryers to this venue.

Our poster lady this year is Dayton native, Natalie Smith Barney, who moved to Paris as a teenager where she lived out her life as a writer, activist, and bon vivant, hosting literary salons for all the important artistic personalities. She is shown here around 1900 (still in the U.S.) with her French Bulldog.

Spectators are welcome, admission and day parking are both free. We are expecting around 150 different kinds of dogs to see!

This year’s shows are dedicated to the memory of our long-time official show photographers, Brian and Betsy Kurtis, who both tragically succumbed to cancer within months of each other over the summer, and to legendary Afghan Hound breeder and club member, Gary D. Sinck, who died last spring just prior to his 80th birthday. We miss all three of these wonderful people so much.

And finally, last but not least, we are pleased to tell you that the free coffee is back. Fresh, hot coffee, all day long, with real half-and-half, if that’s the way you like it.

Dog and Puppy Match Friday, April 26th


Join us on Friday night, April 26th for our AKC Sanctioned B Match!

Registration starts at 5 p.m. and judging at 6 p.m.

Everyone welcome! We’ll have beverages and snacks and time to socialize too. This is a great opportunity to get a little practice with your dog before the weekend’s shows– in the rings that you’ll be showing in over the weekend. And if you’re not entered in the show, you can still enter the match.

AKC Entry Form

This is the entry form for the 2019 match.

Click on the image to make it larger. When you go to print, make sure your printer is set to horizontal (“landscape”) .

Pre-entries must be postmarked by Monday, April 22rd, and cost $4.  If you wait until the day of the match to enter, entry fee is $5.

Send pre-entries to match secretary Gary Sinck, 725 Xenia Ave, Dayton, OH 45410.

Dogs must be in show trim, no taped ears please, and professional handlers may only show their own dogs.  Dogs with majors may only be shown as exhibition. Class divisions are 4-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months and adult. We will award Best Puppy in Match and Best Dog in Match.


Fast CATs on Tap for April 29

Once again, we are so pleased to be offering two sets of Fast CAT tests along our all-breed dog show Sunday, April 29th at Preble County Fairgrounds, in Eaton, Ohio.

Entries are now open and the entry blank can be found in the menu on the left side of this page.

Pre-entry is $20, day of test (IF there are any spaces available) will be $25. There is space for 50 dogs in each test and a waiting list of 25.

Dogs run towards their owner on a hundred-yard straight course that is lightly enclosed with snow fence. Qualifying runs are awarded a light blue flat ribbon, new title holders receive a commemorative rosette.

Fort St. Clair Kennel Club is so grateful to members Tracy & Jeff Leonard, who have brought this great new event to our club and through their incredible hard work and effort we have been able to offer two sets of tests each year.

Match, Meet & Greet

Friday, April 28th Evening Match

Join us on Friday, April 28th for an AKC sanctioned match (registration begins at 5, judging starts at 6) along with a Meet & Greet to kick off the show weekend.

The Match has the usual rules: dogs must in be in show trim, no taped ears please, professional handlers only on their own dogs. Dogs with majors for exhibition only please.

The entry blank can be found here  and should be sent to Match Secretary Gary Sinck at 725 Xenia Ave, Dayton, OH 45410, and must be postmarked by Saturday, April 22nd. The pre-entry price is $4 per dog. Entry at the match itself with be $5. This is a great low-key and relaxed opportunity to practice in the same venue as the next day’s show.

Registration begins Friday at 5 p.m. and judging begins at 6 p.m. Show is indoors on concrete at the Expo Center, Preble County Fairgrounds, 722 S. Franklin St. Eaton, OH 45320.  Evening attire is not required (but we’d enjoy it if you turned up that way.)

Everyone is welcome to join us for hors d’ouevres and beverages to kick off our annual shows and to help us celebrate our 25th birthday!